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Neck Lift 

Aging, gravity and genetics can attribute to the development of the dreaded loose skin under the chin, contributing to the appearance of what's commonly referred to as a "turkey neck". The neck lift can help reduce the amount of excess sagging skin under the jawline (cervicoplasty) and can also tighten the platysma muscles (platysmaplasty).

Procedure Description 

  • Excess skin is excised
  • A drain will be placed
  • A compression garment is applied
  • Neck liposuction is performed as needed
  • Sutures and staples are used to close the incisions
  • The procedure will take several hours to complete
  • Tumescent solution may be placed on the areas being treated
  • Platysmaplasty is performed through a 2-3 cm incision below the chin
  • Any incision made behind the ear will be similar to that created during a facelift
  • May be performed under local anesthesia, conscious sedation, or general anesthesia.


  • Smoking should be avoided
  • Drains are usually removed within 2-3 days
  • Numbness may take weeks to months to resolve
  • A cold compress can alleviate some of the swelling
  • The compression garment is worn for about a week
  • Bruising and swelling may take several weeks to resolve
  • Sutures and staples are usually removed within 7-10 days
  • Patients are instructed to sleep in an upright position with several pillows behind their back
  • Patients may experience stiffness of their necks, or soreness in the throat when swallowing or eating.
  • Patients should avoid applying makeup on incision sites until the incisions have fully healed.



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